In caring for ourselves we allow investment not only in our own self development but transcend our limits on behalf of the world around us. Opening the flow of energy through the nerves that feed a distressed system means the body itself is able to accomplish remarkable healings.

Our aim is to work on sensing and releasing nervous tension so the body can be restored to its feeling and state of flow.


Healing / Clearing (Energetic & Bodywork)

Coaching (CBT / Leadership Coaching / Stress to Wellbeing)

Creative Life Design

How We Work...

Firstly we at Liminal Healing believe you are made up of an inner technology, that is ever present and available for you to tap into and utilize.

The word technology is rooted in the Greek word, tekhnologia, which means systematic treatment. Logos/logic literally meaning word or speech. Tekhne in ancient Greek means art, skill or craft. Essentially technology has come to mean a way we apply scientific (ie systematic) knowledge to solve practical problems. We often think of it today in terms of machines, but it’s much broader that that. Technology is a tool that helps you do something. It increases your capability and makes life easier or enables you to solve problems that weren’t previously solvable.

You are made up of inner-technology. When you create a specific internal environment it produces external change directly. You can learn how to talk, think and feel in ways that shift your inner state of being and result in changes in your outer reality through CBT & Neuropsychology Tekhnique. Your body can be ‘programmed’ through massage or TRE to release past stored trauma. You could take medicines, made from natural raw materials, specific for the accomplishment of curing or enabling this technology to do a better job.

In our Healing sessions change happens directly as we create an environment (field), which influences you from the inside. 

We then work on sensing and releasing nervous tension so the body can be restored to its feeling and return flow.

In all our methodology we use your own CNS, which naturally integrates received information, coordinates and influences the activity of all parts of the body. It is the “carrier of consciousness.”

The nervous system is potentially linked to our multidimensional nature, including our spiritual nature. When the nervous system is energetically cleared and open, and is capable of carrying the higher frequencies or octaves of subtle energy associated with the higher chakras, we have greater felt connection to our spiritual nature and those spiritual realms of experience.

Through the transmission of energy during practice we can help you to relax, open your mind & body to new ways of experiencing more love or joy or whatever is needed. Helping you find and access the energy that’s right for you.

Creating both a divine and a physical remedy for illnesses.